February 9, 2009

Get Right With God: Hot Gospel

More crazed ecstatic holy-ruckus-making choirs, preachers, and guitar/piano-slingers from our beloved southern states. And a handful of harmonic eerie doom-fortelling quartet recordings to round things out. Isn't it great what happens when state religion goes through the folk process? It's worth noting that the principal activity in these performances is neither entertainment nor sermonization; it is exorcism, the drawing-out of both holy and unholy vigors from the body, that their energy might be released to serve life rather than held within, suffocating. This was not the conservative, repressive Christianity adopted by so many white folks; this was a Christianity that treated redemption as a continuing process of transforming tribulation into jubilation, and the music served as the revelation of this rapture. I'm not sure to what extent it still exists, but though the music has changed, I have a feeling you can still find church communities of this kind nestled deep within the blind spots of America.

VA. Get Right With God Hot Gospel (Heritage 01)

1 - Prophet Powers - The Tree Of Life Is Waiting For Me.mp3
2 - Radio Four - Blood Done Signed My Name.mp3
3 - Rev. Chambers - Me And The Devil.mp3
4 - Rev. Anderson Johnson - God Don't Like It.mp3
5 - National Independent Gospel Singers - I Met My Elder This Morning.mp3
6 - National Independent Gospel Singers - I Got Good Religion.mp3
7 - Otis Jackson - Tell Me Why You Like Roosevelt (Part 1).mp3
8 - Otis Jackson - Tell Me Why You Like Roosevelt (Part 2).mp3
9 - Rev. B Campbell - Sweepin' Through Thru The Gate.mp3
10 - Five Blind Boys - When God Dips His Pen Of Love.mp3
11 - Five Blind Boys - Never Turn Back.mp3
12 - Sister O.M. Terrell - I'm Going To That City.mp3
13 - Radio Four - What'Cha Gonna Do_.mp3
14 - Echoes Of Zion - Atlanta's Tragic Monday.mp3
15 - Southern Harmonaires - Who Will Your Captain Be_.mp3
16 - Southern Harmonaires - I'm So Glad.mp3
17 - Southern Revivalists Of N.O - Get Right With God.mp3
18 - Southern Revivalists Of N.O - I'm Bound For Higher Ground.mp3
19 - Evening Light Singers - Walking Around Me.mp3
20 - Gospel Travelers - God's Chariot (Part 1).mp3
21 - Gospel Travelers - God's Chariot (Part 2).mp3
22 - Rev. Charlie Jackson - Morning Train.mp3
23 - Rev. Charlie Jackson - Wrapped Up And Tangled Up.mp3
24 - Violinaires - Joy In The Beulah Land.mp3

power in the blood
192kbs mp3, full scans

thanks again to LemmyCaution


  1. thanks, pirate! somehow i missed these posts of lemmy's.

    I've been coveting material by Dorothy Love Coates (as tracked on Heilbut's fantastic 'Gospel Sound' comp) if you have any sources. Arizona Dranes is also on that album. dovesong.com had an incredible mp3 archive of US gospel until they took it down about a year ago. If you don't know the Heilbut comp I can locate and post.

    see Coates here:


    and Wikipedia:


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks very much for the recent gospel posts - I'm a dyed-in-the-wool agnostic, but the passion and otherworldliness of the best of these performances grabs me just the same.

  4. Bless you, brother.
